Walk With Us

Don’t Walk By

Why We Walk

The Winter Walk brings together a number of incredible homeless service programs to show the powerful work they are doing. This past walk series brought over 4,000 people together in Boston, New York City and beyond- to raise awareness and walk shoulder to shoulder, homeless and housed alike. We will keep walking together until we end homelessness for good. Learn how to take action year-round by contacting us or signing up for our mailing list.

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Winter Walk 2025

We are incredibly honored to host not only the 9th Annual Boston Winter Walk on February 9th, 2025 on the Boston Common, but also the 3rd Annual Winter Walk NYC and our very first Walk in Chicago!

We will again have our live events, along with an interactive program that allows for meaningful participation by all. If you can’t make it to the in-person Walks, that is okay! You can join us virtually by walking in your community.

The event is suitable for all ages - bring the whole family (even your dogs!) and help build the next generation of community leaders!

How You Help

100% of the funds raised at the Walks will be distributed to our amazing partner organizations. These carefully-chosen non-profits are dedicated champions of the homeless, focused and results-oriented. 

Each organization addresses a different aspect of the homelessness challenge; their collective expertise and impact means that an end to homelessness is a realistic objective. Key focus areas include:


Street Outreach




Home Placement

Job Training

Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead
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Together We Can End Homelessness


Together We Can End Homelessness -

Walking for a future where we all have a home.